I figli della notte

I figli della notte

I figli della notte Works of Andrea de Sica - grandson of Vittorio - The children of the night enter into that line of male collegial tales, which are headed by the Emperor's Club and The Flewing Moment. Explore the lives in the dormitories and investigate the reasons for a group of very young, prisoners of the inhospitable academy and their lineage. After another dream, the sixteen-year-old Giulio (Vincenzo Crea) is sent by her mother to an elite college, a forge of "future executives" disguised as a hermit castle perched in the Alps.
Year: 2016
Actors: Fabrizio Rongione
Genre: Drama
District: Trentino Alto Adige
Province: Bolzano (BZ)
Locations: Bolzano (BZ)

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