Museum of theatrical costumes


Typology: Costumi e Makeup

Via Alessandro Manzoni 1, Serrone
info: 0775 523064

District: Latium
Province: Frosinone (FR)
Locations: Serrone (FR)

In the museum are conserved the thatrical costumes realized by Beatrice Minori during her activity as Rai Tv's tailor and Eudardo De Filippo's personal tailor. The museum opened in 2004 thanks to the stage costumes' donation realized by the tailor shop BI. MI. S.a.s of Rome, property of Beatrice Minori, who has always showed a strong bond for the story and the roots of this small village she is grown in. The tailor shop is still in activity, thanks to the grandaughters who have inherited the passion from the grandmother.

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