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  • Wife and Husband: the exchange of identity to tell a couple

Wife and Husband: the exchange of identity to tell a couple

Moglie e marito

District: Latium
Province: Rome (RM)
Date: 2017-04-12

Wife and Husband: the exchange of identity to tell a couple

Moglie e marito

From today in cinemas Wife and Husband, the film debut of Simone Godano starring Pierfrancesco Favino and Kasia Smutniak.

A film, which starts from a not new theme in film and theater, but that builds an his original route.

The theme is the exchange of identities, of roles that in fact has been the focus of so many films and comedies with all the comic consequences and implications that follow.

In the film, these elements remain, in substance and in tone which obviously is that of mild comedy. But "the exchange is the excuse to tell a couple" (Kasia Smutniak) in order to reflect better its dynamics. "Two people forced to live the life of another and so they learn to know who they have in front" says Pierfrancesco Favino, who adds that "If there was this machine I would try it"


Moglie e marito

Andrea and Sofia are a lovely couple, indeed they were. They, Married for ten years, are having problems and think of divorce. But as a result of a scientific experiment by Andrea suddenly they find themselves one inside the body of the other. Literally, Andrea is Sofia and Sofia is Andrea. With no choice but to live each other's existence and everyday life. She in the shoes of him, a brilliant neurosurgeon who carries out an experiment on the human brain; he in the shoes of her, an ambitious TV presenter on the rise.

A scathing comedy that tells the incredible and unbelievable and amazing journey that Sofia and Andrea will be forced to do in the life of their partner; experience that will forever change them, making them regain that sense of mutual empathy and true connection, essential to really love someone.


Moglie e marito

The interpreters of the film are two famous actors: Pierfrancesco Favino and Kasia Smutniak.

The Roman actor, also popular internationally, owes Crime Novel its popularity, in which he played the Lebanese. He has shot many films such as Romance of a massacre, El Alamein, Standing places in Paradise. He is currently on the American film set of The Catcher Was a Spy with Sienna Miller and Paul Giamatti.

Kasia Smutniak, Polish actress, is also with great achievements behind. Among the other three Silver Ribbons with Nelle tue mani, Allacciate le cinture and Perfetti sconosciuti.

With them Valerio Aprea, who played in Smetto quando voglio.


Moglie e marito

Subject: Giulia Steigerwalt and Carmen Danza in collaboration with Daniele Grassetti. Screenplay: Giulia Steigerwalt and Carmen Danza. Assistant Director: Fabrizio Procaccini. Casting: Chiara Natalucci. Costumes: Cristina La Parola. Production designer: Tonino Zera. Sound: Paolo Giuliani. Music: Andrea Farri. Editing: Davide Vizzini. Photography: Michele D'Attanasio. General Organization: Paolo Lucarini. Produced by Matteo Rovere and Roberto Sessa. Distributed by Warner Bros Pictures Italy.


The film is set in Rome.


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