Festival del Cinema di Frontiera

Typology: Festival
Web: http://www.cinemadifrontiera.it/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cinefrontiera

Cinecircolo Baia delle Tortore Via Ferrucci, 41, 96018 Pachino (SR)
Sede legale: Via Ferrucci n 41, Pachino (SR)
Tel: 0931/596264 Fax: 0931/596264

District: Sicily
Province: Siracusa (SR)
Locations: Pachino (SR)

The festival shows films and short films from all over the world, that deal directly the issue of the border. "Border Film portrayed in its symbolic value, as well as his geographically meaning. Borders territorial, cultural, but also the soul and language; a meeting point between the past, present and future" [Nello Correale, founder of the festival]

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